1. Download the CloseKnit Primary Care App.
On Android Devices: Open Google Play Store .
On Apple Devices: Open the App Store .
2. Search for the CloseKnit Primary App .
3. Select the CloseKnit Primary Care App, tap Install.
4. After the download is complete, open the CloseKnit Primary Care App .
5. Then tap on the Create Account button.
6. Enter your email address and tap the Send Verification Code button.
7. You will receive an email with a 6-digit code from “Microsoft on behalf of CloseKnit.
8. Enter the 6-digit code into the Verification code box and tap the Verify Email Address button.
9. Create a password and tap the Continue button.
10. Input your mobile phone number and tap the Send Code button.
11. Input the 6-digit code and tap the Verify Phone Number button.
12. You’re almost done! Input your insurance information and tap the Continue button to complete the registration process.